Today, I am reaching out to a select group of special friends for what is possibly the most pivotal time in a mother’s life. It is a hard thing for me to ask and yet I have chosen some of my closest and dearest families whom I believe know my intentions are altruistic.
My son Netanel is planning to get married to a beautiful young woman, Yael, who brings him great joy. And while this should be a happy occasion, I am overwhelmed by the expectations of my financial contribution. Unfortunately, I cannot afford to raise the funds necessary to give my son even the most modest of weddings.
It is a difficult task to reach out to those who have been so generous to me in the past, but I am not asking for myself. I need help to raise the necessary amount to give my son this new start in life, and I am hoping that you will humbly hear my plea with empathy and compassion knowing me and my situation.
This is a donation to my son’s future, but I would like to make this as advantagous to you as possible, so I have arranged with a non-profit Jewish organization, Agudath Israel of Baltimore, to donate all their services to help with the wedding. Agudath Israel is a highly recognized non-profit Orthodox Jewish organization who changed the face of Orthodox Judiasm in America and provides services and programs to promote Jewish heritage and tradition.
That means that every dollar you donate to this cause will be tax deductible. Agudath Israel will give 100% of all proceeds to the products and services needed to facilitate the wedding.
I have been blessed with many wonderful children in my life. Now, my oldest child is starting his own family and it is my desire and great hope to give him what a parent should be able to.
Our goal is to raise $12,000 by August 1, 2010. It is difficult for me to express my thanks for your consideration and your help meeting this goal. Please feel free to give what you are comfortable giving or not at all. May Hashem bless you and your loved ones.
Respectfully and gratefully yours,
Elana Vogel

(Left to right: Chezy, Netanel, Chananyah, Elana, Yohevet, and Sorah)